

Erasmus+ 2023-1-HU01-KA210-ADU-000159639

Professional development of WDSF volunteers in the adult learning sector. Project  Duration: 24month – 01.09.2023. – 31.08.2025. Promoting the work of assistance dogs in partnership between WDSF and Os’mose Our aim is to establish a long-term collaboration, an internationally standardised assistance dog training programme and its application with different types and aged groups in addition to […]

Erasmus+ mobility – 2023-1-HU01-KA122-ADU-000147233

Event 1 : 10-13.09.2023 We participated in the ADI (Assistance Dog International) conference and workshops in Zagreb with 7 of our volunteers. We gained experience on the basic knowledge needed to start your own kennel. We attended face-to-face meetings where we learned a lot from more experienced trainers from all over the world. Event 2: […]