

Autism assistance dog

About Me:

Education & Training

I am a dwarf poodle girl. When my hosts visited me shortly after I was born, we chose each other almost immediately. Since then we have never let go of each other’s hands or paws. I give my little farmer security when he has to leave home, as he doesn’t like to go anywhere without me. He doesn’t like to talk to anyone either, but when people admire me and ask me my name, what breed I am and if I am really a service dog, he answers them anyway, so he talks to other people sometimes. Can such a puppy be a helping dog? A lot of people wonder, but I do help him to study and I’m there for his exams. When I sit on his lap, he remembers everything he has learnt much better and even dares to tell me, so I even give him a kiss. So we can do a lot of things together and I’m very happy that he can take me everywhere with him. Of course, we had to practice a lot to be able to behave well everywhere, but it was worth it because we got a super certificate and now we can go everywhere together. It’s the best thing in the world, being with my little friend all the time.