About Me:
Hello I’m Betyár for the best. My unique species is hungarian mudi; this species is so special they even entrusted national parks with saving it, that’s how I got to my owner. As a sheepdog, my basic job is to pay attention to people, but I decided that I’ll specifically pay attention to my owner and please him. Looking back this was lucky for me, because at a certain point my owner had to decide whether he keeps me or not. Of course, he kept me, he really beloved me, and I love him too, although this was my plan. I’m DoubleBetyár. In the meantime he didn’t let me get bored, he brought me to a lot of places, we visited different schools, and did a lot of interesting exercises, which now I also have exam papers of; then it was even more interesting: we got into the world of dog shows, where it turned out I’m not only smart and skillful, but also beautiful; and my owner thought it was about time for me to give these good natures further: he calls it breeding, I call it “I got a family”. I took care of 6 beautiful puppys, whom are just as smart as I am: one of them’s going to be a searcher dog, the other ones will do agility with their owners.
The big turning point was that my owner kept attitude-forming performances anyways, so he thought it was a good idea if he brought me with himself, but I have all those exams unnecessarily if I’m not a therapeutic dog. We got ourselves into learning again, practices were followed by practices, until in 2020 I finally “got a degree” as a professional therapeutic dog. I pretty much enjoy this too, the kids are kind and they give me a lot of caress and food, but the best part is when they’re petting my tummy. I can’t wait to go to even more places with my owner and to collect more and more tummy-pettings.
Elérhetőségem a gazdinál: kosagyula1@t-online.hu