

Autism assistance dog

About Me:

Education & Training

I was very small, when a Lady came and she was looking at me and she was even waving and clapping and banging her hands, and I was just looking at her and wondering why she was making noise. I thought she felt bad, maybe she was nervous? So I cuddled up to him, to see if that would calm him down. Then he liked me so much that he took me with him and my Mum’s owner, I think they call him a breeder, gave me as a present because I was so good and they were talking about some big job.
I got to go to a really cool place, there were lots of dogs to play with and I was really happy to be there. I went to kindergarten, school and then I think university, we learned a lot. After a while I had a very cute little boy come to visit me quite often with his mum and sometimes his smallbrother. We used to walk a lot and I grew to love them. I got a lot of cuddles from them, and also some treats. The little boy would walk very nicely with me and I would walk nicely alongside him or run if he wanted me to.

I think because we were so good together, I was able to move to a big city with them. We’ve lived here together ever since. Sometimes the little boy is sad, but then I put my head in his lap and comfort him. I play with him when his mummy is busy. I even let him play doctor with me, but I made sure he didn’t have a needle. He also listened to my heart and I just lay there and am glad that he plays with me more calmly and for much longer.
He often draws me, but I have to be patient to do that. I go with him everywhere, where he doesn’t like to go, but if I go with him he prefers to come, because together it’s much better. He even talks to strangers and then of course he talks about me. What I like best are long walks in parks and forests. I also have a nice harness that says Autistic Assistance Dog on it. They are very proud of me and I love them very much.