

About Me:

Education & Training

Hello! My name is Lara and I was born in 2018. Even as a puppy, I was very affectionate with people, especially children, I need their company and I love to be taken care of. I am a quick learner, eager to follow anyone’s instructions, patient and attentive with children. My owner and I have therefore started preparing for an exam to become a therapy dog. I don’t know exactly what that means, but I had a lot of fun doing it. We did all the things I like to do. I was petted several times at a time, introduced to all kinds of new stimuli, learned new exercises, and best of all, I got to participate in the kids’ games. I helped them go through the obstacle courses, showed them how to sit, lie down and spin to imitate. I rewarded anyone who knew the answer to a question with a high five or a trick. I must admit that at first I was very enthusiastic to be there with them, and I clowned around and put on a bit of a show, but since then I have matured into a well-disciplined dog and we passed the test. And when we’re not working, we go on outings with friends, play games, learn new sports and tricks.

My master’s contact: