

Autism assistance dog

About Me:

Education & Training

Hi there, I’m Zeteny, a Brooklynite.  My parents are Matt and Orsolya, but I’m proud to be Eleanor’s little sidekick. One of my favorite things is our nightly “Mese” (bedtime story) routine, cuddled up between Eleanor and Matt. After Mese, I sneak off to my own bed, feeling content in our cozy home. Eleanor and I are like two peas in a pod, always understanding each other’s moods. When she’s feeling down or has a challenging moment, I know just how to cheer her up—whether it’s with a gentle nudge or a friendly bark. And when she’s sad, I’m right there, staring into her eyes until she can’t resist giving me hugs and kisses.

We live right next to the park, but you won’t catch me there often. I’d much rather tag along for a museum visit or explore the aisles of a supermarket or deli, sniffing out the delicious smells of fresh food. Restaurants are another favorite of mine—there’s always something tasty dropping in my direction! I’m not a fan of rainy days, but give me a snowy day any time!

As a frequent flyer, I’m a seasoned traveler, but those flights can be long and tiring. Still, it’s always worth it to visit Eleanor’s grandparents, who spoil me rotten. That’s me in a nutshell—Zeteny, your friendly neighborhood pup!